

Hohohoho, last day for exam lo… all is paper 1… just pong pong pong the answer la…. So excited a….^@^ hehe… want to faint liao lo, but luckily, mm for today is quiet easy… >< sorry if hurt your feelings…
Go ahead and rush for the last day 5 Atom… pilgy, yaaki, yist, chell, miko, east, ye jia n….. Gambade!!^^ Holiday, I am coming!! Very very happy a… U know why??? Cuz we have our exam for 2 weeks a…. Unlike other school, not need full paper…. So relax…<=> nothing to say liao… jia you jia you… ^o^

written on =12th march o9=

say bye to exam paper ^^~ hurray!~

Yeah, 2 more days left, then exam will soon end!!
Say bye to exam paper^^ What a relief…..
I hate exam a cuz it makes me going crazy… But, it will finally ends, haha!!
After exam, fun time, holiday is waiting for u.... so nice!!
In holiday, I would never ever touch my books…
Juz play, eat n sleep…
On this Saturday, I will have a dancing practice with frens….
Scare scare a, haha ><
Gambade for Pilgy, Yaaki, Yist n me… ^^ Jia you, jia you…..

written on =11th march 09=

Life ~

Difficult² wan exam finally finish… physics, a-maths, chemistry. so hard a!!
Want 2 be crazy lo…
wake up so early every morning, so early a!
Everyone say that I am really² crazy n scary…
No la, I am not crazy n scary, juz scare my exam will fail then i woke up liao…
XD! I want to sleep a. sleep, sleep, sleep…
T.T Still hv a week for exam! Pls finish faster,,, want to die liao lo!!
My a-maths paper 2, no.5 a… So easy want but I dun noe how to do…
So stupid a.. is a G.P!!! Y I dun noe how to do???
Want to kill myself after know the method!!!
Aiya, dun care liao la, next time be more careful that’s all… SEJARAH!
Hate it… so many things need to be remember!! What for we learn SEJARAH?
No use for us right!!! Haiz, study for nothing…

written on =6th march o9=


Y! Y! Y!
明明知道,却假假什么都不懂! 抱着希望质问时,还一再否认!
过分! 都不肯认错!!! 还哭!
还假惺惺,装可怜!! 不知道事实的人还以为你有多可怜!! 哼,算了! 不想理了!! 知人知面不知心! ><
有些呢! 虽然知道错,却一直推卸责任!
硬说不是他的错!! 还死命讲,讲到牛头不对马嘴! 一边讲这种,另一边讲那种!
错就是错,不要做了才说我不是故意的,只是开玩笑! !
对! 你不是故意的,你是有意的! ! ! 如果不是故意,又何必书说出来呢?
拜托! 开玩笑也要有个限度,好吗?
你的玩笑是over的! ! ! OK! 许多人因此被伤害了! 你背叛了朋友的信任! !
有一些呢! 则是自己嘴巴讲,心里却没有这么做!
明明是自己先说的,别人不懂问你,又叫人走开! !
很没有礼貌,好吗?不想解释,就不要讲! !
嘴巴这么多,干嘛?多事! !
好伤心也好失望哦! ! 对人心感到恐惧、害怕! ! T.T
不知道还该不该相信人?但还是抱着希望,因为还有知心的朋友对我微笑! ^^

written on =3rd march 09=